Supplement Reviews

B Up Bars Review

B Up BarsB Up Bars: The New Guy

You’ve seen them all over Instagram. B Up bars are climbing in popularity. How do they stack up against everything you’ve tried? Find out Here..


I love protein bars. It’s the one of the only times I can enjoy a snack, get my macros, and not feel guilty for eating something delicious. For the last protein bar review, I tried Oh Yeah ONE Bars which I thought were good but in my opinion a bit too sweet. Today, I’ve come across YUP Brands B Up Bars and I must admit, I was really surprised



The “Cleanest” Protein Bar Around

This is the “cleanest” protein bar you’ll find. They do not contain any sucralose, preservatives, and corn fiber. Plus, these are actually low sodium. Let’s have a look at the nutrition label:

B-UP Protein Bars Nutrition Facts

Macro wise, this is your typical protein bar: 20 Grams of protein, 27 Grams of Carbohydrates (net 7 grams), 6 Grams of Fat. Very much comparable to Quest bars or ONE bars by Oh Yeah.


Taste and Texture

B Up Bars


For this review, I sampled both the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and Peanut Butter flavors. The taste was great! B Up bars do not taste like candy bars and this is what I love about them. They do not use sucralose artificial sweetener and because of this they are not very sweet. These bars are also very soft. Much softer than Quest’s original formula.  Of the two flavors I tried, I highly recommend the peanut butter flavor. The peanut butter almost melts in your mouth..


B Ups are currently unavailable, try Animal Pro Bar instead!


Talib Ahmad Supplement Expert

Talib has been a supplement and fitness enthusiast for over 10 years. He is a passionate powerlifter who enjoys helping others with their supplement regimens and training programs to ensure they achieve the best performance for their goals.